CLAS™ security systems, equipment and weapons are non-lethal in nature. They are designed and made based on the concept of a minimum use of force and maximum effectiveness. Most of the products are either SIRIM approved and/or PDRM approved. The equipment and weapons are thoroughly tested and proven to be effective over the years by many law enforcement agencies throughout the world. In addition, the trainings are certified and recognised locally and internationally.
products available to CLAS Guard.
State-of-the-art electronic equipment that shoots to control and not to kill. It is a high-tech incapacitating Electronic Control Device (ECD) that allows time for the shooter to gather family members and escape the clutches of criminals.
Tactical Batons
A modern expandable
baton to ensure maximum effectiveness,
portability and minimum complications
when in use.
Made of flexible but strong and durable materials. It is designed with easy securing system which binds intruders’ hands within seconds.
products available to all.
& Linear Alarms
proactive, customisable and dependable
systems for various degrees of
security on properties and vehicles.
A new programmable
system that sends SMS to you and
up to 7 of your closest neighbours
for help in times of need (that
may include medical or other emergency
assistance required, not just
Emit a glycol-based
vapor which thickens to fill up
a room in seconds, Any intruder
would panic and try to flee the
scene as SmokeCloak brings visibility
virtually down to zero.
Capsicum (OC)
Such as Oleoresin
Capsicum (OC) spray and
other add-ons to enhance the effectiveness
packages. CLAS
carries, under one roof, a wide
range of products ranging from
‘around the belt personal
defence’ to your car and
home security needs.